Participant Details
Who's registering?
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What events are you registering for?
  • Lakefront Kick Off Run

    We'll meet at Firecakes Craft Donuts (2453 N Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60614) for a 15 mile pacer-led run. Join us at 7:15 a.m. for bag check. Runners of all abilities are welcome, with pace groups from 7:00/mi to 12:00/mi+ and water stops along the course. Shorter distance options and different paces will also be available.
  • Bus Ticket - Des Plaines River Trail Run

    Break up the monotony of marathon training with a change of scenery at the Des Plaines River Trail. Join us for a soft-surface long run starting at 7:30 a.m. Reserve a spot on the bus departing at 6:30 a.m. from Pedestrian Coffee, 939 W Belmont Ave, Chicago. The run will begin promptly at 7:30 a.m.
  • Meet Us There - Des Plaines River Trail Run

    Want to join the Des Plaines River Trail Run but don't want to take the bus? You can meet us at the Potawatomi Woods Picnic Grove in Wheeling for a soft-surface long run starting at 7:30 a.m. Runners of all abilities are welcome, with pace groups ranging from 7:00/mi to 12:00/mi+ and water stops at the 4, 8, 11, and 13-mile marks.
  • Lakefront Marathon Pace Run

    Join the Tracksmith team and our friends at DW Running for a marathon pace workout along the Lakefront Path. We’ll meet at Everybody's Coffee (935 W Wilson Ave, Chicago, IL 60640) for pacer led miles. Runners are invited to join us starting at 7:15AM for bag check. Runners of all abilities are welcome to join us. We’ll have pace groups from 7:00/mi to 12:00/mi+ and water stops on course. Shorter options and different paces will be available as well.
Make a donation to Tracksmith Foundation
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